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Wednesday, October 17, 2012

トミー・リー・ジョーンズ: Tommy Lee Jones

I have decided to label any posts dealing with the mundane and crazy things of Japan as "JapaCrazy"; and a fitting name it is. Japan is full of so many crazy things that even the natives have little WTH moments from time to time...well, more like 「何やて!」moments, I guess.

Anyways, for today's cultural post may I present to you the boss of all bosses---Tommy Lee Jones....さま.

woah is that "K"?

Tommy Lee Jones is the biggest gaijin (foreigner) to hit Japan's shores since Tom Cruise saved the samurai in 1876! You can find him in commercials for companies like Boss (Coffee) and Softbank (Cell phones). 

TLJ is extremely popular and has appeared in a variety of Japan panel television shows as well. He shares the screen with some of Japan's most popular Japanese idols and even speaks Japanese from time to time.

When you see him in commercials (CM's) he's usually portrayed as an alien with abilities ranging from being able to create shockwaves, shooting lasers out of his eyes, whipping electricity from his fingertips, creating force fields, possessing insane human strength, and much much more. In Japan, TLJ is god-like!

Well, the reason he became so popular is a mystery to me (other than TLJ is the man), but I must say that I'm impressed with how far he's gotten. It will be interesting to see which foreign idol will grace Japan's airwaves next.

In the meantime, enjoy these videos below, featuring the man, Tommy Lee Jones:

Tommy Lee Jones as a an alien teacher

Now as an alien housewife who can talk to dogs

Okay, hope you "learned"(?) something about Japan! Until next time, またね~


  1. Replies
    1. Yep yep! Just youtube "Tommy Lee Jones Japan CM" and you'll get tons of good stuff!
